Hospicio Cabañas


I’ve been in Guadalajara for a week now and am loving every minute of it! I’ve already met so many amazing people and I’m having a lot of fun with them.

On Thursday we had the day off for the Virgen de Zapopan procession. My wonderful host took me to see Hospicio Cabanas, a UNESCO World Heritage site. We took a tour of the Chapel and then walked through the art gallery. Inside the chapel is covered with frescoes painted by José Clemente Orozco. One of the most amazing paintings on the ceiling is The Man of Fire, which changes perspectives as you walk around and look up. From one point the man appears to be lying down and as you walk to the other side he becomes upright and above the other characters in the painting.

After we left Hospicio, I met up with the other girls from my program and went for sushi (I know, not very Mexican!), then to Chapultepec, then to the VIP theatre to see Wind River. The VIP theatres are crazy here and so cheap! We’re going again for Coco when it comes out.

Hospicio was so cool, I want to go back again before I leave!

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